
Hey there!
I am so excited that you get to join me in my adventures. I will be keeping you updated over the course of my travels on what I am doing, what God is doing through me, and all of the crazy, unique, fun, and strange things that happen along the way.
There is so much to do before I leave! It feels like I am busier getting ready to leave than I will be on the actual trip. Between working hard to fundraise and come up with the money I need to go, figuring out what I need to take with me, and squeezing in visits with friends and family that I will be missing when I am gone, every day is full. All good though, soon enough I’ll be able to take a nap on the plane to Georgia USA where the adventure begins.
Can’t wait to share with you my stories and how they unfold. Check back here every now and then if you want to keep up with my travels. 

With love, 

-Rosella Gehr