
Hey friends and family!

This is a post I wrote last Saturday, the night I arrived at training camp in Georgia. I never got the chance to post it, so keep in mind that so much has happened since then and I can’t wait to update ya’ll very soon in the next couple days about all the amazing things I’ve been learning and how God has moved!

I made it to the end of day one, and let me just say, it’s been a wild day. Definitely very hot. The whole morning I was honestly trying not to think about the journey I’m about to start because it would freak me out. But when I got out of the car and met my squad, my family for the next 9 months, I was instantly reminded of how good the Lord is. He’d given me this family that I was so excited to meet and build community with! It was so easy to dive right in to getting to know everyone. We set up camp together, played yard games together, and ate peanut butter and jelly for dinner together. Good thing today was not goodbye to my mom. I got to worship next to her tonight during the session and we spent some time praying over one another which was so sweet. Tomorrow I will get to see her one last time before goodbye! There are so many feelings going on right now, mostly nervousness and excitement. The main thing I’m holding onto right now, especially as it’s dumping rain (I’m outside in a tent:)), is keeping my eyes on Jesus, and remembering what is true:
He is good, He loves me, and He is in control.
The second I take my eyes off Him, all sorts of fear and questioning kicks in. As for right now, I’ll just be taking it one day at a time, fully trusting Jesus as best I can, and relying on Him for the faith I don’t have on my own.

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