Uncomfortable the state of causing or feeling unease or awkwardness. I have felt uncomfortable in many situations in my life. In these times I wanted to remove myself from the situation or shut down. Before coming on the world race I was excited to see how God will use me, however I was not prepared that he would use me outside of my comfort zone. I was so used to doing children’s ministry and being able to relate kids. When I heard that we might be doing street evangelism I became uncomfortable because this was something I was not used to. Earlier this week God used me to participate in street evangelism even though I was uncomfortable doing this. Being me I just wanted to ask someone to do the talking/walking up to people instead of me. I got paired up with Caleb, Isaac and Sarah Mei, God knew what he was doing when he put me with these people. Before we started evangelism Caleb asked each of us on a scale 1-10 how comfortable we feel doing street evangelism. I told Caleb that I felt like a 3. I explained to my group that street evangelism was something that I was very uncomfortable with and how I just wanted to follow along and not initiate conversations with people. Caleb said by the end of this I want you to become a 8,9,10 and for you to feel comfortable doing this. After he said this I did not think that just from a couple hours I could become comfortable with street evangelism. I prayed that God would be with me as I went out to do this and that he would just give me the words to speak. Let me just that GOD WORKED IN ME that day. We had so many conversations with people, I prayed for people, got vulnerable with complete strangers and shared my testimony, heard their testimonies. Before going out I was very uncomfortable because this is something that I was not used to at all and did not think that I would be capable enough for it. The end of the day I could just see how God used me to go out and show the love of Jesus to others. From that morning I was a 3 and at the end of the day I became a 9. It is absolutely amazing how God can work in our lives even in just a few hours. Later that day a verse came up on my bible app which was 2 Timothy 1:7 which says “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and a sound of mind.” How great is our God! He turned a situation that made me uncomfortable into a situation that made me more like Jesus. When God wants us to grow, sometimes he turns situations in our lives to become uncomfortable. God shows us our weakness so that we can remember his strength and know that we can rely on him. I heard this quote that says “I had to make you uncomfortable, otherwise you would have never moved-God”. This is my reminder that whenever I am uncomfortable I can turn to the Lord!