
Good morning!!
I hope you all had a fantastic week, even with the heat wave in Spokane! Technically, my team and I just completed week seven, so I only have two more weeks which is actually insane. I am so excited to come home, but for some reason, it feels like I am not coming home. I have gotten so accustomed to life here, that I can’t even picture what life is going to look like in Spokane; which is cool, but also sad. I was talking with Wanida and Aaron (our ministry hosts) and they want me to come back next year which is super sweet. It would be really cool if that opportunity presented itself. I have loved it here in Thailand. It is so beautiful and everyone is so intentional and friendly. 


I have been reading through Romans for the last week and a half, and it has been so encouraging. Just recently I read Romans 12. Verse two stuck out to me and it read “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” As I am realizing how quickly departure from Thailand is approaching, I am a little nervous about coming back to Spokane. I have been surrounded by such amazing people on this trip and have only been around people who truly live for Christ for the last two months. As excited as I am to return home, I am nervous that I am going to fall into the pattern of the world. I am so stoked to go back to school and I am so giddy about it, but I am wondering who I am going to be when I return to campus. How will I integrate who I was on this trip and what I learned, into everyday life? I want to swim against the current of the world just like God calls us to in Romans 12:2. And though I am not on a Jesus high right now, I still am on fire for Him and want to continue that when I get home. I think it is a weird in-between that I am in if I am being honest. Debrief next week should help, and I am excited to see the other teams during that time. 


I hope you know that I am praying for all of you at home:) I am so grateful for your support and the love you have shown! 


This week was a little different than last week. Last Monday, we taught at a monk school and that was a party. I was super nervous going into it and the school felt very heavy.  I was expecting the “kid” monks to be super well-behaved and polite, but they were the exact opposite. It kind of felt like I was in the second-grade classroom again. Once we got them off their phones and to be quiet, we had a blast teaching. We then had lunch with the regular English teacher there and it was super fun. We then taught English for the rest of the week at Aaron’s school and did village ministry on Sunday. We went to two church services in Wanida’s home village and then drove two hours to another village that was not Christian. It started pouring down rain there, so people were not outside of their huts. We ended up walking around the village and praying over the houses. We then went to lunch and headed home. After waking up at four that morning, we were all pretty wiped. Today is our Sabbath and tomorrow we go to Chiang Mai for our adventure day and explore the city. 


Prayer Requests: 

Please pray for health! We have a lot of team members falling sick and having allergic reactions. Pray for fast recovery and protection so that we can finish our last two weeks strong! 


Pray for unity: 

Pray that we continue to grow closer and closer despite differences. Living with other people can be hard, but please pray that we find joy in it, have patience with each other, and show grace and kindness. 

Love you all! I hope you have an amazing week:)


Rylee <3