
   It’s been just about 4 months since returning home from my world race journey!!! What a refining season this has been and a blessing to learn how to let my heart continue to grow for Christ, while living where I’ve grown up. As I mentioned in my last blog, it’s been so different than living on the field. A big question I’ve gotten as I’ve come home is, what’s next? Well, I have an update on just that and it’s finally official!

    I just made my commitment to an Alumni route in the 10/40 window with Adventures in Missions! What’s the 10/40 window you may be thinking? Well, this window includes countries from Asia and Africa in the Middle East! These are some of the least reached people in the world who have little to NO access to the Gospel. This is something I would’ve never thought to even consider a year ago but while overseas, (specifically our first few hours in Asia) my heart was simply broken for the unreached. I never understood the blessing it is to have grown up simply knowing Jesus and it being such a normal part of my life. When I continued to see, firsthand, people walking all around me, not even knowing the name of the One who created them, it simply broke my heart even more. Immediately this 10/40 Alumni trip came to mind!! Ever since that day, I’ve been truly seeking the Lord and praying into if that’s what God has for me. I did my initial interview while still on the field followed by a few more in the last few months. I was praying, if this isn’t what the Lord has for me, that He would close this door or remove the peace I have about it. Considering neither has happened, after I got officially accepted, I’ve now decided to GO!

   Something I’ve realized is that the closer we get to the Lord’s heart, the more it breaks for what breaks His. I didn’t know that’s what He was doing as my heart began to break for the unreached, but I now see that. A prayer I’ve had is for Him to continue breaking my heart for what breaks His. As I’ve grown in this, I’ve grown so much in empathy and kindness throughout everyday life. Even more, for the unreached people, every day! His will is for every one of us to be walking in intimacy and love for Him. To think people don’t even get a chance to hear the good news and I can be a part of changing that just fuels the passion behind my yes!!

   This was a little bit of a harder yes since last year consisted of Him calling me out on fear through His word (Matthew 8:23) but my heart is different this time as I WANT to go! Last time I was willing but so weighed down by fear that I couldn’t be excited. He has pulled me out of that fear by His perfect love and I truly can’t wait to see what He will do in each country we head to! As of right now, the plan is to go to Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, and Morocco after a couple weeks of being trained on this new culture and safety protocols! This could always change, as AIM has a close eye on the safety status of each country, but I trust wherever the Lord has us! We also do not have squad leaders on this route to continue to grow in leadership and logistical areas of life. The group will end up being around 20 people and ages between 18-30, so that in itself will also be an adjustment compared to last time! We will be challenged to depend on the Lord in new ways this time around! I’ve recently gotten to talk to some people who just got back and from hearing all the testimonies/ how God worked, I truly couldn’t be more excited and ready to go!

   If you would like to financially support me in this next journey, scroll down and click “support”! If you have more questions about this route, where I’m at, or supporting me, send me an email at [email protected]! Thanks so much for reading and your prayers!!

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