
Squad leading round 2!!

I am so excited to introduce to you F Squad:

F Squad is made up of 11 racers, 2 squad leaders, 1 mentor, and 2 coaches

Meet the squad:

Top Row (L-R): Tanner, Patricia, Bella, Noah, Mazi, Caroline, Payton, Alexa, Bri (SQL), Chako (Ministry host), Nathaniel (Chako’s son), Derrick (Ministry friend)

Bottom Row (L-R): Josie, Me, Rebekah, Yu-Mei


Top Row (L-R): N0ah, Alexa, Bella, Rebekah, Mike (Coach), Payton, Caroline, Tanner

Bottom Row (L-R): Mazi, Josie, Bri (SQL), Yu-Mei, Char (Coach), Lexy (SQL), Patricia, Oriolyne (Squad Mentor), Lindsey (Support Staff)


Our Mentor in the states, Oriolyne, joins us on the field during debriefs and provides guidance to Bri and I as we are on the field. She spends time praying for the squad and pouring into individuals on the squad as well. Our Coaches Mike and Char, also spend time praying for the squad and providing spiritual guidance and mentorship. Bri and I are Squad Leaders (SQLs) and we travel with the squad for the first 5 months of their time on the field. We support and pour into team leaders and the teams that we are with. Our focus is on discipleship of the squad as we do ministry alongside of them.


Team Happy Feet:

The Members of team happy feet are: Mazi (Team Leader), Noah (Treasurer), Patricia (Worship Coordinator), Payton (Storyteller/ Hospitality), Bella (Logistics), and Alexa (Beauty for Ashes). They have been partnered with Hope and Worship Room during our time in Guatemala and Bri has been with their team in San Antonio Aguas Calientes. Their ministry includes teaching english, sports ministry, Womens and Mens bible studies, house visits public worship nights, and prayer/intercession.

Team F.R.O.G (Fully Rely On God):

Team frog is the team that I have spent my time with in Guatemala so far. The members of team FROG are: Yu-Mei (Team Leader), Tanner (Treasurer), Rebekah (Worship Coordinator), Josie (Storyteller), and Caroline (Logistics). They have been partnered with Dar para Dar in Chimachoy. Team Frog’s ministry includes manual labor, house visits, teaching english, sports ministry, prayer/intercession.


Life on the field has been different this time then anything I have experienced on the race. I always thought that I wanted the rougher World Race experience. Now that I have lived in my tent on a mountain for over a month I can confidently say that I will happily take the blessing of a bed from now on. It was a really tough adjustment for me but it brought out more refinement and more dying to myself. The nights are cold, the cell service is weak, we run out of daylight, and I am a night owl in a group full of people who go to bed at 8:00 PM.

BUT… we have extra food budget since we can’t have anything that needs refrigerated and so we have s’mores every night! We get to worship around the fire! We get to sabbath on the mountain free of distractions! We get to wake up to the most beautiful views! We get to spend time with the workers on the mountain who have become dear friends to us!

Being back on prayer mountain has been a huge blessing to me. A year and a half ago when I was moving dirt it was really hard to see the point of what we were doing. Now that I am back and prayer mountain is my home this time I can see the fruits of team 247’s labor. What a rare and beautiful opportunity.


  • Wisdom and Discernment
  • For a smooth debrief and training coming up (March 18th-March 29th)
  • Peace and Unity in the squad and our leadership team
  • Families in Chimachoy to be reunited, unified, and strengthened
  • The Lord to provide for me financially for this trip!