
Hey everyone! I’m Kenzie Freeland. I am currently in my senior year of high school and plan on going on a nine month mission trip starting in August. This is the main place I’ll be posting updates and keeping in touch while I’m over seas. I’ll be going to Guatemala, Brazil, Eswatini, and Indonesia and I’m so stoked to go! 

But why? 

So start of my junior year I was planning on attending college and getting my medical imaging degree and start working immediately. But God obviously had different plans. My parents kept asking me is this really what I wanted to do and was my plan lined up with Gods? So I started praying about it and my thoughts turned from I have to go to college, get a degree and work an 8-5 the rest of my life to I want to do something a little crazy. So after lots of research I felt called to taking a gap year missions trip. At this point I still had no idea what that would look like or what organization I would go with. After more research I felt God say this is where you need to be. So I applied almost immediately. After a LOT more prayer I realized that this was God’s intention and I was committed to be on the Race. 

What is the Race?

World Race is a part of a Christian organization called Adventures In Missions that seek the Kingdom of the Lord throughout the entire world. World Race is a nine month program that typically travels to four different countries. I will be on the Guatemala, Brazil, eSwatini and Indonesia route. I start my training August 30th in Gainseville, Georgia which is filled with worship, discipleship, different sermons and classes. I will also be living in a tent and doing my laundry out of a home depot bag for this portion of training. 

God’s Been So Good!!

God has been so so good lately! Not only is He providing the money for this trip but He has been teaching me so many things about myself. He has also shown me that it is okay to be nervous for this new chapter but I don’t need to panic about it because like it is well said in Job 22:12 “Is not God in height of heaven? And behold the height of the stars, how high are they!” God is above all things and He knows exactly what is supposed to come out of this. 

Prayers and Praises:

-Praise: God has been providing 

-Prayer: not to stress about the little details coming up 

-Praise:  I have had the opportunity to talk with my team and have been able to connect with one of the girls im going on the trip with 


Thats all for now! God Bless

Love Kenzie! 

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