
Hi Everyone!

Welcome to my blog! Now, I am not much of a writer, but I want to share a bit about myself with you all! I want to start by saying I am stoked to be given the opportunity to go on this trip and I am very thankful for each one of you supporting me in my journey. Now the question is, how did I get here? God has been working on my heart a lot within the last year and I have felt a turning point in my relationship with the Lord. I went through time in my life where my focus was not on God, but on myself and my friends, and in the moment nothing else mattered. I could feel my attitude shifting and my focus becoming further and further from God, but I didn’t care. Eventually what I valued most failed me and I felt as though I was left alone, but I wasn’t because God was right there waiting for me to come back to Him! I began to rely on the Lord and wanted to work on my relationship with Him. We all have our hills and valleys, but this one felt different, I felt different. I have grown up fearing change because when something is good, you don’t want anything to hinder that. However, for the first time in my life, I felt excited for change and ready to take on whatever God was calling me to do!

That is what brought me to World Race, I no longer fear the changes happening, but instead, I am embracing them, trusting God knowing that He will be right by my side carrying me through every hill and valley I face. Going on this trip is not only a great opportunity for me to be able to share the love of Christ and be a servant but also a chance for me to grow in my personal relationship with the Lord. While change and new things can be scary, I could not be more excited for this next adventure!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story! I will be posting here leading up to the race and during the race as well! If you would like to follow along you can continue to check back here for updates! Thanks again!



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