
When I became a Christian, I knew I was being called to missionary work, but I wasn’t entirely sure when, where, or how. I often felt an ache to do more and always had this longing for adventure.                                                                                 I started praying about it in earnest one evening, and started to doubt if this thirst for more was actually from God and not just a product of my own desire for excitement. I told God, “You have given me the spirit of adventure, and my desire is to go work on a cruise ship and use that as my mission field to tell people about you. If that’s not what you want for me, where else do you want to send me? If this isn’t from you, please take this desire away from me.”                               As I opened my bible to search the scriptures, it opened to Ecclesiastes 11 and the heading stuck out to me almost as if it jumped out of the page. It said Invest in Many Adventures. I still wasn’t sure where God was going to lead me, but I held on to Proverbs 3:5-6, which tells me to trust and submit to God and he will direct my path.                                           As I was talking to my boss Krista about it one day, she told me about some organizations I could check out and encouraged me to step out in faith. As I began my search, I remembered the ads that kept popping up on my Instagram for something called Adventures in Missions. It had always piqued my interest, but I hadn’t applied because I was too afraid. When I came across it again, though, God gave me the courage to put in an application, and as I did an overwhelming sense of excitement, joy,and peace came over me.                                                                                                              As I step out in obedience in this new journey God is taking me on, I would very much appreciate your support and prayers! If you would like to donate, my fundraising link is

Thank you for joining me in this journey of faith!

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