
Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog. I am using this to update and share about what is God doing in my life during the time I am on the World Race.

In August 2024 I will be going on the World Race: The Gap Year. During these 9 months I will be going to Malaysia, Thailand, Romania, and Guatemala. I am going to be helping people and telling them about Jesus. I am so thankful for this incredible opportunity to do this because I know that God is using me to help further His kingdom and strengthen my relationship with Him.

I decided to apply to go on this trip early November 2023. I felt a bit crazy for making this decision because this isn’t what I planned on doing after graduating high school, this coming May. I planned on going to community college and working next semester. So, what changed my mind? Last summer in July 2023 I had the amazing privilege to go on my first mission trip to my birth country Guatemala, I went on this trip for 10 days. This was my first time going back since being adopted. This was a HUGE step for me because I was going on this trip with people I barely knew, and I was so grateful for having one of my closest friends, Sienna and she was able to go on this trip with me. I was able to make new friendships with the people on my team and get closer with her. Throughout that trip our team stayed at Funda Ninos which is an orphanage for children. In 2008 international adoption ended in Guatemala. As for being adopted in 2006 (the year I was born) I was considered “lucky”. I came to the realization that I could have been one of those kids, living the life they are living. Throughout that week I grew closer with God and was able to share Jesus in some way to those kids. By the end of the trip, I was sad for leaving those kids because I was able to make relationships with those kids. I made many memories throughout that trip that I will cherish. I was able to learn that adoption is an incredible thing and that I am so lucky I was able to be adopted. I also learned that choosing to make the decision to follow God is best thing ever. You become part of his family. It says John 1:12-13 (esv) it says, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” Accepting God was the best decision I could have done because when you accept him you receive the gift of eternal life and become a part of His family. He gives you so much more than you could ever imagine.  His love never fails, and He never lets you down. I decided to go on this trip because I want to be able to share the good news of Jesus and I thank God for giving me this incredible opportunity.