
Why I’m going on the World Race,

The answer  is fairly simple, because I believe it’s something the Lord is calling me to do. This decision is not one that I’ve taken lightly. When the idea first came to me I didn’t put much thought into it but as it continued to come to my mind I decided to take some time to seriously pray about it. The more I prayed about it the more I felt the Lord really putting it on my heart. As I asked the question “Is this something you want Lord?” I began to see an answer. If you keep your eyes open and watch for the Lord to speak He will, and so He did. He used many little things, passages of scripture coming to mind, the sermons I was hearing, the wisdom of friends, wisdom and comments from people who didn’t even know, wise counsel, and even the songs and podcasts that I’d hear. But through all of these the more I looked at it and seriously prayed about it the more peace I felt and the more I felt it on my heart.

I’ll be honest, the thought of leaving everything I know behind scares me. To go do something so completely new and to walk into the unknown. But, God is so much bigger than my fears and He is in control over all. While there are small fears to overcome I know so much will come from this journey, I know that the Lord will be glorified through it. One of my favorite songs is Captain by Benjamin William Hastings, the verse reads “Through waters uncharted my soul will embark. I’ll follow your voice straight into the dark” this is the heart posture I want to have! I don’t know the future or what it holds but, I’m going to follow the Lord’s voice one step at a time into the unknown. So I look forward to and am very excited to be going on this journey, I hope you will follow along on my journey through reading this blog and I thank you for taking the time to read this!

