
Hello everyone! My name is Grant Rose and I have been called to do ministry with Adventures in Missions! This entails going on a four month long mission trip to Kenya and Uganda. Many years of thought, prayer, and consideration went into this decision, so I would like to tell you all a bit about it.

When I was 14 years old, I went on my first mission trip to West Virginia in 2017. There was a flood that wiped out the central regions of the state and many houses were completely flooded and people had to flee their homes. I was there for a week, and we worked on a house that had its entire first story completely underwater. Groups that were there before us had already stripped the house of the drywall and floorboards. Our task was to get the floorboards back in the home after it had dried up. The best part was that we weren’t alone. We got to meet the people who owned the home, and we got to share with them why it was so important for us to be there to help them out.

After West Virginia, the very next year I was in South Dakota in the Native American region called Pine Ridge. The next year I was in St. Louis. I could not get enough of missions. That is when I went and talked to my pastor at church about the next step. He let me know that there was a mission trip they were doing to Paraguay. I was 17 years old at the time and within months we were headed to Paraguay. I met all kinds of amazing people along these journeys and I got to share with them the way that I praise God, and they shared with me their ways. Learning about each and every one of these amazing people across our country and across the globe has really opened my eyes to how God works wonders everywhere.

As someone who is very interested in geography and history, I know that the surrounding nations to Kenya and Uganda have gone through some pretty serious civil wars in the past few decades. It makes me sad to hear, and they have hundreds of thousands of people fleeing their countries to places like Kenya and Uganda to try and make better lives. I have seen what mission work has done in places, and I want to be a part of that in Kenya. I want to be able to do anything I can to strengthen the church there so that more of these people can hear who God is and hear about the Gospel. Along the way of wanting to do this I want to make lifelong friendships and relationships with the people there.

I have been praying about an opportunity like this ever since I was a freshman in high school. I have always felt called to mission work, and so when I came across Adventures in Missions I knew that I wanted to be a part of this amazing ministry!

I will make sure to write these posts often while overseas so that all of you guys can hear about my experience and continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

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