
When I’ve told people that I’m doing the World Race, many of those people have stated that doing something like that is crazy, especially when you’re doing 11 months! And yea, it kind of is! But, things may not seem as crazy as they appear when you understand the reason behind why you’re doing something.

So here’s the question: “Why am I doing the World Race?”

It actually started back in October 2023, when I was on my Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic. It was in my time in the DR, that I got to experience true one-on-one time with God. At the end of each night, I got to spend undistracted time journaling and reflecting with God about how my day went. And it was in this time that I got to hear God speak to me.

On one day in particular, I had been asking God why I was I feeling a particular way and why me of all people. I had heard God telling me, “You’re asking the wrong question.” And so I changed my questioning to “What am I supposed to learn from this?” and from there it was like an instant download. In the process of writing what I was receiving from God, my phone randomly came on playing a song titled: “There’s Nothing” by Amanda Cook. Listening to the lyrics, I broke down crying as the Lord had been speaking directly to me in the situation I was in.

It was that kind of close, intimate moment that I desired more of. I wanted more undistracted time where I could hear the Lord’s voice clearly. I wanted time where I wasn’t so busy and distracted by the worries and cares of this world, that I could focus on God. And it was in hearing about the World Race that I found this answer.

With the World Race, I was taking an extended amount of time to focus on being the hands and feet of Christ in nations and countries around the world while also getting to spend time with God. I prayed about it for months, having other people join me in prayer while also evaluating my own intentions and desires. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t doing this out of my own selfish desires such as the desire to travel or just do something cool/different. While those might be honest desires, I didn’t want it being the sole desire for me choosing to go on such a pivotal trip.

In this journey of determining whether or not I would go, I learned a multitude of lessons:

1.) What it means to surrender and trust in God, allowing Him to pave the way while I follow in obedience. If he presents the door, I’ll walk through it. And if it’s not for me to walk through it, then God will make it apparent.


2.) Don’t neglect the current season that I’m in. God has me in the current season that I’m in for a reason. Because of this, I shouldn’t spend all my time thinking about what’s to come and ignoring what’s right in front of me. Be content with what is now while also preparing for what lies ahead. 

Thank you all for checking out my first blog post on the reason why I’ve chosen to do the World Race! Feel free to subscribe to this blog to get more updates and information about my trip (before I leave, during the trip and after I’ve come back). Love you all and thank you so much for all of your support! 

Hunter Land