
I actually can’t believe I’m writing this right now!! 2 weeks ago I had no idea what God wanted me to do. I had a plan when I graduated school and then things kinda fell apart. I had gotten to the point where I felt like God really didn’t want me to do the thing that I planned but I was pushing against the Holy Spirit and then eventually, God just took those plans away. I am so grateful He did. It’s pretty amazing when God’s mercy extends to us even when we are kind of ignoring Him. Thank you, Jesus!

I’ve been on one other missions trip and it was two weeks to Hawaii. Yes, everything you’re thinking about that is correct. I had a great experience and I’m so grateful I got to go. However, I’ve always wanted to serve internationally and I’m so excited that I finally get to! Though I’ve always wanted to serve internationally, Kenya and Uganda weren’t even a little bit on my radar. When I was looking at the World Race options, there were three that fit into my time frame. My mouse almost moved to Kenya and Uganda of its own volition. I can’t wait to see what is waiting for me there!

Ok, time to be very real. I am the world’s worst when it comes to wanting to jump to the next thing. I’ve been that way my entire life, always reaching and trying to get to the next thing before it was even time to get there. Jesus has been very graciously teaching me that it’s up to Him. It’s all in His hands and I just need to sit. I need to rest in the promise that He’s got it all together. So if you’re in a resting period right now, just know that Jesus has not abandoned you. He has not forsaken you and He never will. And if He’s closed some doors, He just didn’t want you to do that or He’s prepping you to say yes to that door later. Have faith. Have faith. Have faith.

“So, rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm.” (Joel 2:13)

I so appreciate your prayers and hope you had some good coffee today 🙂