girls in Santa Marta where we do most of our ministry
I love getting to pray for the kids
This is Lily we cook together almost every day!
all of these kids in this line came to be prayed for because they feel CALLED to bring the good news to the nations! Wow.
Pantera joins me almost every day while I read!
Ana my day one bestie
Since living in Guatemala, something that the Lord is cultivating in me is to live in the uncomfortable. This is something that I have heard on the many mission trips, but not something I actually have tried to grow in.
When we got to our base in Guatemala, we were given a run down of the culture and useful things for us to know since this is our new home. Something they told us is that our ministry hosts or the Guatemalans here will probably have expectations of us and not make them clear to us, so to be ready for anything. We got assigned a ministry by prayer but also with how well we said we could speak Spanish. There are two people who speak Spanish in my team of 7 and that is my friend Maggie Claire and I. When we got to our ministry, we were expected to speak Spanish we were both a little rusty haha. I have learned so much Spanish by just living here it’s awesome! Recently, we had a prayer gathering/worship session with the focus of Intimacy with God. Maggie Claire wasn’t there because she was sick with dengue and the only other woman that spoke English also had dengue, so the leader announced that I would be the translator. After I heard this I immediately said “Lord, you’re going to have to help me right now”. We started and I listened for the Lord and He really helped me! It was one of the craziest things.
Every Thursday, we have an activation day which means we worship, receive a message, meditate on what we learned, and then go out and share it. Everyone splits up into twos, we go to the surrounding cities and communities around us, and do what the Lord says. We evangelize, pray for people, and listen to what the Lord has for us to do. Every single time I evangelize, the Lord expands my Spanish vocabulary. It’s when I am speaking to a person about Jesus or the Gospel, it’s Him speaking through me in Spanish! It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m so thankful! Now, every time I hear the Lord say go to this person I say “ok Lord I’m counting on you” and He does it again and again!
I have many prayers but one of my daily prayers is for God to use me in any way He wants to. So short after I prayed this prayer, I was used as a counselor in a Doctor waiting room. I showed up to pain in my dirty clothes one morning and this woman from London brought me into a room and said you will be here talking to every person. My prayer- Ok Lord here I am! I’m willing but I need Your help. A counselor how am I supposed to be a counselor?! But He helped me so much! During these counseling sessions I was able to pray over every single person and I saw healing after healing. A deaf man HEALED! A woman’s knees hurt so bad she could barely move, HEALED! She stood up and sat down so many times after. A blind man, HEALED! Oh my goodness. I am in shock after this how do I move on?! Thank you Jesus!!!
I have seen God move in such incredible ways that my mind is blown quite literally every day.
Something I learned in training camp was about deliverance. Deliverance from impure spirits, sickness, and what ever is not from the Lord. This topic fascinates me so much that I got as much information as I could and I’m still learning!
Jesus said to His followers, “And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name. They will speak in tongues. They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.””
Mark 16:17-18
With this verse in mind here is how Jesus moved on October 14th!
During “ask the Lord” or evangelizing, me and my partner were done for the day until the Lord highlighted this woman to me for the multiple time of the day. I saw her right when we got off the bus and I couldn’t help but kinda analyze her. With no exaggeration, every single person that walked by her she would yell at like very hard and follow them for a second. She walked around very angrily was had a very rough appearance. She would follow people and yell at them when they didn’t even talk to her.
I put this aside (which I shouldn’t have) and told my partner let’s go talk to some people and so we talked to a few. By the end of our time she was pretty much right in front of us maybe a couple yards. I felt the Lord say to me go. So I was like ok God idk what to say so you’re gonna have to help me.
I was nervous because I thought she might hit me by the way she was so angry. I had to kinda be loud for her to hear me but once she heard me she stopped yelling and immediately just sat down so we sat down with her.
When she looked me in the eyes I got a feeling I have never felt before in my life. it’s kinda impossible to explain but kind of a hard pressure but super cold in my chest. She talked for about 15 minutes no stopping so I was thinking maybe she just needs someone to talk to so we listened. While she was talking I asked my partner to pray for discernment because I didn’t know what was going on and she did the whole time.
The Lord opened my ears to hear what she said (I’m not fluent Spanish at all but I know enough to have good conversations) it was so amazing I was like oh hey Holy Spirit!!
I asked her name, her past, if she knew Jesus, if she just knew of Him or if He actually is her savior and dwells in her heart, and how she is doing. She told me she was angry, aggressive, and she thinks she has something wrong with her mentally. She says she is super angry but she doesn’t understand why. She said she accepted Jesus into her heart (I made clear like 3 times just to make sure because it’s super dangerous to cast out a demon if they don’t have Jesus. If you have Jesus in your heart you cannot be possessed by an evil spirit but you can be oppressed which is an attack or governed) anyway! she was adamant about it and she started laughing probably because I asked 3 times.
After she told me this I told her I wanted to pray for her and she was happy for me to. The Lord told me to tell evil spirits to flee so I did. I told my partner to pray for me as I pray for her because I’ve never done this before. Quickly after that I thought well I can’t do this, it’s God doing it and He’s done it countless times! A lot of information from early September when I became interested in this topic came to me as we started talking to her in the beginning.
I command evil spirits to flee, anger, aggression to flee and I invited Gods peace, joy, comfort, healing over her. For perfect alignment of her brain where she will have no type of disorder.
She had no reaction during the prayer and I had an expectation of one so I was a little confused. I thought that until she walked away. I watched her the rest of the time and she didn’t yell at one more person!! I saw her pet a dog super friendly and it hit me… She was delivered. she was being oppressed by evil spirits and they had to leave in Jesus name! I saw a complete difference in her and her attitude after God delivered her! I saw a complete different person after God took that off of her. She was nice and smiling! Praise God you’re amazing!
My prayer was for God to use me in any way and He has! This is just a tiny bit of how He has been working it’s so awesome! One of my focuses is to live a life of worship. A life full of surrender which means totally depending on Him. Recently, I’ve been missing my people and church so much it hurts and I’ve also been getting really tired. Something amazing is that the Lord has been filling me up giving me supernatural energy as I ask for it! Ask in His name and it will be given to you. Thank you God! He is just so good to me! Something I’ve learned this month with that is God doesn’t call us to be comfortable he calls us to be obedient. Obedience is the greatest form of worship there is. God is so full of grace as I am learning to live a life of worship. It’s so fun to learn more everyday as He is teaching me!
Thank you so much for all of the prayers, texts, donations, and for loving me so so much! You all bless me and encourage me so much. I love you all!