Hello to anyone reading this blog! If you haven’t figured it out through the journey that brought you to this page, my name is Brandon Skladzien. This is also my first blog ever, so bear with me, please… I’m originally from Wilton, Iowa, where I learned how to throw a ball and ride a bike. Around June of 2014, my parents decided to move to the great town of Maquoketa. Since moving here, I’ve only grown from the experiences and challenges around me, along with the great mentors I’ve met throughout my life here. I am looking to put out the same good energy I wish to be around me every day. I have a strong sense of justice and equality regarding how people should be treated, but I also think it’s a good quality to be able to respect and learn from the bad qualities other people have. I think I could make a significant impact in the world with a little help from you! Whether it comes to donating or just asking me how my journey is going, it all gives me another reason to keep pushing. I’m hoping to meet all of my supporters and share my thoughts, but if not, have a good life!!!