
So now that we’ve gotten through a couple of updates through this week, I feel that it’s time to address what comes after this Race. As sad as it is at times, this trip is coming to a close, and that close is coming quick. With the end of one season comes the beginning of another, which means a lot of decisions. I’ve been given a lot of opinions, and luckily the Lord has truly spoken into this as well.

Unfortunately decisions were a more difficult task than they would usually be, which is crazy because decisions are already SO hard. If you don’t know already, my family has made the decision to move to Texas. Even as a now “technical” adult, I am still planning on going WITH my family to assist them in the move and be there with them after such a long time apart. So knowing that I will be in an entirely different state than the one that I began in when I left, my short-term options are somewhat limited.

Though it does not affect you too much as a reader, I would like to let you in on what I would like to do short-term. I will spend time over the summer saying goodbyes and helping move, connecting with fellow Racers in America, and some other small trips and excursions. In the fall I would love to have a job but I really cannot guarantee anything.

Whatever the Lord may have in the fall for me is up to Him and I trust Him (and I’m also constantly recommitting that trust). However, looking at something a bit more long-term, I truly believe that the Lord has placed missions on my heart. AND I have gone ahead and applied for another trip through AIM.

This trip is called the 10/40 trip. It is a trip that is only for alumnus of the Race. This trip takes Racers to the middle east, and many of these countries are under the influence or even control of Islam. Those that go will have significantly different leadership experiences, training, and plenty of new community. This trip will take place from the month of January 2025 to May 2025.

I have yet to be accepted to go on the Spring 10/40 trip, however I am confident that this is not only what the Lord has for me, but that He will use this trip for SO much good. I will of course be fundraising again, and I will likely start whenever my application is accepted. However, I truly want to express my thanks to you, whoever you are reading, for keeping me in your prayers and possibly even supporting me on this trip!

As you can tell by my life plans and goals this trip, this Race, and this amazing step that the Lord put in my life, has changed EVERYTHING. I left West Virginia lukewarm, sitting in condemnation, and in need of some serious life change. I can’t attribute that to anything but the power of the Lord in a place like this. I also want to be clear that I am not clinging to what feels comfortable by doing this trip, but believing that the Lord has more for me, and that it simply happens to be through AIM again.

Regardless, thank you all so much for everything that you have done while I’ve been here and even before that. I hope to be able to answer any questions that you may have so please feel free to reach out!