I think to truly understand we need to look at the definition. According to Google, a mission is an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel. I think when reading this I have concluded that life is a mission. We have various important assignments in many different seasons of our lives, so in the same way, we are ALWAYS on a mission. I think my important assignments look a little different than most people’s.

As my service as an Educator comes to a close I have wrestled with where I am going and what I am doing next. I have spent the past three years devoting myself to educational equity in a post-COVID world. I signed up and showed up and God did the rest. It has not been a blissful three years, but one I have to take moment by moment. In this, there were days when I would call out “sick” to lay in my bed and cry. There were afternoons where I would come into my home and not speak to a soul but sit looking at the wall waiting for my brain to turn off. The decision fatigue I have faced for 540+ days has caused my perception to shift dramatically. I have learned the power of silence. The resilience of patience and the reward of perseverance. I have felt love and forgiveness in depths I never knew I could display. I think in some way I was the assignment and through my “mission” the Lord rectified, renewed, and revised me. I truly believed I was going to create so much impact, but in the end, I was the one who was impacted.

Now, that my time of service in the public school system is coming to a close I have been at a loss. I have applied to numerous positions varying in the sector, but not by coincidence I ended up here. I have decided to go and serve abroad. I have spent hours crying out to the Lord regarding my career, my life, and my passions. I have vacillated between “next steps” for months. Historically missionaries do not have the best track record and I didn’t know how I felt identifying myself as a missionary or how my religious beliefs aligned with this. I didn’t know how the individuals around me would receive this news. I have struggled to articulate what missionary work looks like and where my heart stands. I think for years missionaries have co-opted religious identities to push political agendas, but in my case, my choice to go on a mission is about my heart for people and the Kingdom of God. I want to love my neighbor and follow the path and purpose that God has ordained for me. I want individuals to know the love of God like I have gotten to know it. I want to share the good news and serve people’s needs as I do. We are one body and I have been called to serve the body in this way. Believe, me when I say that I didn’t see this coming 5 years ago, but I am so thankful that my plans didn’t work out and that I can let go and let God.

Romans 8:27-28

27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.



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