Hey Friends & Family!
I know it has been quite a while since I wrote a blog (too long to be honest!), so I have so much to share with you all! October 7th my squad and I arrived in Guatemala and we have been living on AIM’s base here. The past month and a half has been full of countless blessings and I am so lucky to be a part of advancing the kingdom in Guate!

My team Jubilee and I work with a ministry named Reindom. Reindom works to make it on earth as it is in Heaven by serving communities. They feed lunch to the children in Santa Marta and teach the them about the love of God. They host Bible clubs, teach English and Bible classes, and coordinate VBSs during breaks in school. Additionally, Reindom organizes a weekly breakfast for the homeless community of Sumpango called Kingdom Table. Kingdom Table serves a meal with a message about God’s character and even has a time of worship. Along with helping out with all of Reindom’s normal ministry, Jubilee has been working in Reindom’s house painting the walls, organizing storage spaces, and serving on the prayer team for the medical mission.
While serving alongside the medical mission, I got to be a witness to God’s wonder working power. A little girl sat down and began to tell me and the women I was serving with about the pain in her ears. She said that it had been bothering her for several months now and was beginning to effect her hearing. While she was having trouble hearing in both ears, one ear was worse than the other. We began to pray healing and restoration over her ears. As soon as I was done praying, one of the women I was with asked her how she felt and the little girl touched her ears and confessed that her ears felt better. God truly is the great physician!
Along with baring witness to God’s healing power, I have been witness to his tender love for His children. I have had the blessing and privilege to be able to serve as a translator for my team. I am so thankful for the ability to love the people of Guatemala in their native language. Every Wednesday, Reindom hosts a Bible club for the kids in Santa Marta where they lead praise dances, give a message, and end in prayer. Three weeks ago, they gave a message about lost countries who don’t know Jesus and the importance of sharing the Gospel. Then, the following week, instead of the typical worship and message, they prompted the kids to pray about visiting a home to tell them about Jesus and pray for them. I got to see children as young as five or six tell the Gospel to their neighbors and pray radical healing over their own sick friends and family. They wept with those who wept and I wept right along with them. It was truly amazing to see childlike faith in action, but also to see that the faith of these children was because of their deep understanding of the love of God the Father. They know His character: Dios es amor. God IS love.

The heartfelt adoration and the earnest prayer of the children of Santa Marta have encouraged me to step into a more childlike faith. I have learned I can come to God with questions and with big feelings. I can tell Him when I am angry or afraid and He can handle it. I have also learned that I can just sit with God and worship simply. Worship isn’t about singing beautifully or even singing at all it is about glorifying Him. Whenever God hears an out-of-tune song of praise or sees a crayon drawing, He sees and hears adoration. He finds no flaws in it.
I just want to encourage those of you following along on my journey to embrace this truth about His character. There is so much freedom in embracing your identity as a child of the King. As His child we are holy, righteous, and perfectly acceptable as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2)—this is our inheritance! We get to come and sit at His feet and worship and pray simply and receive good things because He is a good father!
Updates & Prayer Requests
This past month and a half has been so busy and I am sad to report I have been getting sick pretty often. I would love if you can pray that my immune system bounces back and that I stay healthy! Also, pray against homesickness! It’s my first time not living at home and I am definitely missing family and friends (especially with the holidays coming up!). Additionally, I would love to send up praise for all the growing and stretching that God has been so lovingly walking me through! Finally, although I am fully funded, if you would like to continue to support me on this journey financially you can give via my venmo: @Maggie-Richardson-31. Thank you SO much for all the prayers and support!
Grace & Peace,
Maggie Claire Richardson