
Hi Friends!

I thought I would give you all a little update since I only have 63 DAYS until I leave for training in Georgia! It is finally starting to hit me as I shop for gear and plane tickets that this is actually happening!! Before I know it, it will be August 31st and I’ll be getting on a plane to fly out to Atlanta. There are so many different emotions that come with the reality that I am leaving so soon but it’s been incredible to see how the Lord is already preparing my heart for this new chapter in my life.

M Squad: I’ve been blessed to connect with my squad (recently named M Squad) which has been awesome! We have a huge group chat with all 37 of us which has been used to just get to know each other, recommend gear (tents, backpacks, etc), and encourage each other as we face the challenges that come with this season of preparation. It has been such an encouragement to see how the Lord is already bringing us together and I can’t wait to meet these people that will be such a huge part of my life so soon! 

Fundraising Update: Thank you for all of the support I have received so far, both prayerfully and financially!! I already have 30% of my funds raised which is unbelievable! God has been so good to provide so I only need 10% more to reach my deadline for training in August. 

In all honesty, fundraising has definitely been a challenging and growing aspect of this season for me. If you had asked me a few months ago I NEVER would have thought I’d be at 30% before the end of June. But God has been so faithful to reveal that if He calls you to something He will equip you (physically, mentally, spiritually, and even financially)! So while the amount I still need to raise seems daunting and unachievable to me, I remind myself that it is nothing for God and He calls me to trust Him.

Character Over Comfort: I recently read a quote that said “God is more concerned with our character than our comfort” and man is that true. I’m so prone to try and do things in my own strength but through fundraising God has forced me to rely on Him completely and let go of all control. It’s wonderful looking back after the fact to see how God uses things to grow you…. but in the midst of a stretching season it is incredibly uncomfortable. So, I’ve been trying to keep all of this in mind as I have to dwell in the uncomfortable, step out of my comfort zone, and let go of all control through this new season 🙂

What Can You Do:

Verse of the Week:

Romans 5:20 “… but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” !


Until next time,

Isabella Orme 🙂

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