I sent this whole thing out to about 40 different people by emailing them individually; some people got the email and others said they didn’t. So I thought it was best to just post it on a blog so that everyone can read it:
I wanted to tell you how grateful I am, again, that you prayerfully and/or financially supported me on this mission trip. Your prayers and donations have been a blessing not only to me, but to the 45 members on my squad, and even the strangers we got to meet and build connections with in each country. I wanted to condense everything I had learned about Jesus, the world, and myself into a few sentences. Here is a glimpse of a special season in which you supported me emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually every step of the way by your prayers and donations:

(Picture: Cambodia)
I came into the Race so on fire for the Lord and ready to go tell people about Him, but I didn’t stop to think about what the Lord wanted to do IN me- in my heart. I discovered throughout the course of the nine months that I live a hurry-paced life which blinds me from the beauty of loving slow. He revealed to me my prideful tendencies and that His power will only work best in my weaknesses. He is still so gracious and kind to me, drawing those things out of my heart and renewing my mind to put on the helmet of salvation. Just like the Israelites, He has delivered me out of my bondage. There is a new way to live and I don’t have to be stuck in my own selfish ways.
What I learned about the world:
The beauty of living in simplicity.
Although I saw some sad and hard things, I did learn from them and even reflect them into my own life.
I noticed overseas in the places I went, they barely had anything. They lived with the bare minimum, yet they never complained. This reminds me of the verse from 1 Timothy 6:6-8 “Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth… so if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.” “Our trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.” (Vs 17). From this I learned that the more stuff we have, the bigger the chance of those things becoming idols and temporary fixes for what our souls crave to have eternally. They can be stumbling blocks and we sear our consciousness to our need for the Lord. The U.S. needs to wake up!
What I learned about Jesus:
He truly holds all knowledge and wisdom and power.
Through experiencing different cultures, seeing huge and beautiful land scapes, hearing different languages and accents, our squad seeing the Lord demonstrate His glory, power, and reign time and time again broadened my view of how all powerful He is. Everything scripture says was put into reality and it really humbled me. As I am living in my small world, Jesus is over on the other side of the world with them simultaneously, still all-knowing, all-powerful, and full of wisdom, even if I’m not. He holds all things in His hand.
These were only just a few things that I learned from this trip. It was a life-changing experience and it’s an honor to be able to share with you what the Lord did. If you’re interested in knowing more, a link to all my blogs from the Word Race Gap Year program is right below this paragraph, or you can contact me by email lblatt123@gmail.com and we can schedule a time to meet in person to talk if that’s better for you!
After the World Race

This leads me to announce that in the beginning of January I will partner with Adventures in Missions (again) in their 10/40 Alumni program to Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, and Morocco. This country list is tentative. The World Race remains up-to date with international events in order to make well-considered and prayerful decisions on when and where they send missionaries to different places.
The total cost is $9,895. This covers:
- International flights across 3 continents
- Local transportation within the country
- Budget for ALL meals
- Health insurance
- Training for sustainable domestic and international missions
- Logistical setup for traveling, meals, and lodging
- Ministry support, setup, and supplies for strategic partners
- Discipleship with experienced coaches
- Leadership from high-quality mentors
- Debriefs during and post World Race
So I will be gone for a total of 5 months, and one month will be in Gainesville, Georgia for training. Ministry varies in many different ways upon each 10/40 trip, but for the most part the World Race’s partnership in Kyrgyzstan is building relationships with people and sharing the Gospel while teaching English classes or in an English club with young professionals and young college university students. Turkey and Morocco has been a lot if “Ask the Lord” (ATL) ministry which can look like so many things: draw and write a prophetic message to hand them out, street evangelism, prayer, building relationships, seeing peoples needs and figuring out a solution to help them, worship in the park, etc.
As I work and continue to save up money for the next couple of months for this mission trip, I want to invite you to ask the Lord if and/or how you should partner with me.
Whether or not the Lord invites you to come along side me, I would love it more than anything if you could subscribe to my blog so that you know how the Lord is moving in the body of Christ on the other side of the world. With seeing all these tragedies all around the world, it is truly like a wave of hope and a refreshing sight to hear of the goodness of the Lord and how He’s still moving behind the scenes. Through my blogs, my goal is to encourage you and lift your eyes up to Heaven- to the Hope that is to come- once again, to show you a deeper side of my walk of sanctification with the Lord, and how Heaven is manifesting itself on earth through His disciples.
This is the same link from the last trip I did. If you already subscribed from last time, I would recommend subscribing again. I know some people didn’t get the notifications due to the new system the World Race set up for blogs, so sorry! I absolutely love to blog. It helps me process what the Lord has been doing and it is also super important to the body of Christ-to my partners-to know that your money isn’t being wasted, but going to something that is eternal.
I’m very grateful to welcome you into a new season of my life!
Here are ways you can give:
- A link that will go directly to my mission which is tax deductible: Donate to Lexi Blatt for Jan 2025 World Race | Alumni Experience: 10/40 Window 25R01ALM – Adventures in Missions (powered by ServiceReef)
- Venmo me @ Lexi-Blatt