Week two is officially over!!

This week was filled with lots of hugs, laughter, and worship!! We had a Baptism and Revival Night so I got to see so many of my squad mates dedicate or rededicate their lives to the Lord!! It was such a sweet night. We also got to go out into the real world, TWICE, which was awesome. The first time off campus was for evangelism at Krogers (the Lord put a lot of discouraged believers and new believers in my path so it was awesome to just talk, pray, and encourage them). And the second time was just for some squad fun (but lots of my squad ended up evangelizing to people in coffee shops and in the square too!). It was so cool to see my squad mates going out into the world SOOO on fire for Jesus and strangers noticed!!
Oh How He Loves Us
As I mentioned in my last blog, the Lord is still prodding my heart about surrender and how I don’t need to work for His love (and that’s the whole point because we could never earn it!)… however, this week He’s been revealing more of his character as a father to me. During worship at the Revival and Baptism Night I was just had such a vivid memory of my dad and the way he will wrap an arm around me and just tuck me into his side. Every time he does it I just feel so safe and comforted. Honestly, it was kinda shocking to have such a vivid memory of it during worship because I could also feel it. I felt like my dad was right there tucking me my into his side and keeping me safe and secure. In that moment I could just feel the Lord reminding me that I am His, I am safe, I am comforted and He loves me!!
Two days after that night, we were out having our little squad adventure! Many of my squad mates were evangelizing but I felt the Lord tell me to sit and be still instead of walking around to evangelize. (Not at all what I was expecting but I went with it and ended up sitting on this park bench for about half an hour). Now, as I was sitting I was still asking the Lord to reveal someone if He wanted me to get up and evangelize (I’m laughing at myself as I write this because I was still trying to DO stuff for the Lord instead of just sitting with Him). But, at one point, a dad and his daughter (young toddler age) walk past me on this bench. I love kids so, of course, I was over the moon when the little girl passed by but I was also just so captivated by the love this dad had for his daughter. She was just walking around, holding onto his finger, and trying to touch anything and everything shiny around her 😂 I was so in awe of how you could literally see the love in his eyes as he watched his little girl waddle around. And I could hear the Lord just say, “that’s how I love you”. I am His child and He would be just as in love with me if I never did anything for Him again! He loves me because that is who He is! So, of course I am going to live my life in response to that love… but there is freedom in knowing you can’t lose what you never earned in the first place 🙂

How You Can Be Praying!
- pray for our domestic ministry coming up next week (More details about that to come in the next blog!)
- pray for my fundraising process and that I would continue to trust the Lord fully throughout it because He has been so faithful to provide!!
- if you feel led to give, you can donate at: https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/2024-world-race-gap-year-24g0903/participants/isabella-ormey
Verse of the week: “The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7