A small collection of things I’ve learned in and through our (ministry-focused) time in Guatemala:
- I can do just fine with 2 showers a week
- Ministry can look completely different than we expect and still be ministry (unto others and unto the Lord)
- Small things can be big things in the Kingdom
- Worship and prayer are foundational for a life lived fully for the Lord
- I love being able to communicate in Spanish, however imperfectly 🥹
- People can live incredibly difficult lives and yet have faith that moves mountains. Their faith carries them through. And instead of just us sharing with and encouraging them, the faith they share ends up encouraging us!
- There’s both more and less that goes into fútbol (soccer) than I realized (but that speaks more to my not being very involved with sports than anything, haha)
- Schools with running water and lights and a bell system are such a privilege
- Living in tents (during the dry season) isn’t half bad. It’s just an adjustment!
- Rice is easier to cook on the stove than I thought it was, which is great 😂
- If our ministry is to be fruitful (not successful, but fruitful), we have to walk in step with the Spirit and let Him lead. Ministry done in our own strength is not really ministry at all – just good deeds that bring us back to trying to make salvation by our works.
- Sometimes you can’t see gigantic mountains because of clouds and fog. Sometimes we feel like we can’t hear God or see His goodness. But as the mountains are always the reality, just sometimes hidden, so too is God and His goodness always the reality – just sometimes hidden from our view.
- Dust during the dry season gets ev-er-y-where. You just gotta deal with it. Especially when you’re on a mountain and walking on dirt roads.
- In continual change, God is our constant
- Limited communication with family and friends makes those moments where you can connect all the sweeter
- You can in fact get used to seeing volcanoes in daily life, but that doesn’t make it any less incredible!
- There are connections to be found from the most random places, in the most random places (thank you, Grace College)
- Comfort zones only grow by us being willing to be uncomfortable. It’s something that’s simple, but not easy.
- Not spending intentional time in the Word and with the Lord every day is, more or less, a recipe for disaster. I’m speaking from experience.
- There is always room to grow, always places to be refined, always more work that God can do in us. We should be vigilant in rejecting complacency, especially in our walk with Christ.
It’s crazy to think that we’ve already come to the end of our ministry time in Guatemala! 20 percent of our Race is nearly over already! This truly has been such a special season in such a special place, and I’m grateful for the multitude of new experiences. The hard things and the good things alike have served to bring me closer to the Lord – and I will always be thankful for that.