It’s hard to believe we’ve already been at training for two weeks, it’s been such an amazing time! This last week has been so busy and filled with so much of God’s goodness and joy! There’s so many things to write about but for the sake of time I’ll just talk about a few!
First off I want to explain a little bit about our set up at training to give more context for the future! To start with I’m part of a squad that consists of 35 people (including leaders) that are all traveling to the same countries at the same time. From there we’re split into 5 smaller teams of 4-7 people. These teams are the people we’ll be doing everyday life and ministry with. I’m so blessed to have an amazing squad and I love each of them so much!
While everything is so good and I’ve loved so much I think one of my favorite things we do is team prayer! Everyday at 2 o’clock we split off into our teams and we pray for 30 minutes! Now we don’t always spend the full 30 minutes praying, sometimes we talk with one another and lift up prayer requests for part of the time but it’s always so good! Sometimes we’ll pray for the person next to us, lift up specific needs we see, do waterfall prayer (my new favorite thing) or just pray by ourselves! I think it’s so cool to just pause and take some time with the Lord in the middle of the day! It’s such a good time to reset your focus on him and just continue to hand him the rest of the day! It’s such a small and hard practice to implicate but so worth it!
Another big thing we did this week was street evangelism! This last Friday our leaders took us off campus and we split into teams of two and just walked around the square praying for people! To be honest it was super nerve wracking and scary at first, approaching strangers and talking to them is not in my wheel house but after we finally worked up the courage to talk to people it was really good! We didn’t have to much conversation but we did get to pray over everyone we talked to! It’s so clear to see that people are hungry for the Lord even if they don’t realize it!
One more thing that the Lord has really been doing in my life is teaching me how to spend time with him and to listen for when he’s speaking to me! The Lord speaks to everyone in different ways and he’s so very present in every moment! It takes time and practice to really hear the Lord’s voice and a lot of discernment to know whether or not it’s him! How amazing is it that the God who literally created everything has a relationship and longs to speak with us?
There’s so much more that I’d love to share but this is already so long so I’ll just give out some ways you can be praying for me and my squad and some things that we have coming up! This week is our last week of training before we head off for domestic missions so prayer that we’d be able to prepare well for that! We also have some big training scenarios this week so prayers that we’d have strength and energy to do those well! Also we had some other squads leave for the field this weekend so prayers for safety as they travel!
Thank you for all your support and for taking the time to read this!!