
Hello there and welcome to my blog! Today is the first day of the trip and I am currently driving to Gainesville Georgia, about two hours away I believe. I’m still working on all my world race bookwork unfortunately i waited until now to deal with it, bad life decision for sure! But that’s okay it will all come out in the wash  🙂

Today I will get to meet my team and leaders, that should be interesting! I’m not entirely sure what to anticipate for the training camp but I’m excited nonetheless. I believe I’m most excited for my feet to hit that African soil once again!

I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to each and every person who gave to help fund this trip, I appreciate it more than you know! If you’d like to hear more stories about the trip and see some pictures then follow along on this blog. I’ll be posting about once a week.

Side note:

Dads all concerned were gonna be late because of the two big RVs we got stuck behind, the circus continues 😂

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